Through integration with DocuSign, you can send and manage all of your DocuSign documents from within FreeAgent.
Prerequisites: A DocuSign account is required for the integration.
User Permissions: Only the Administrator can authorize a DocuSign account.
This article covers the following topics:
- Navigate to DocuSign
- Authorize your DocuSign account
- Setting up the FreeAgent webhook in your DocuSign account - Set fields in DocuSign
- App
- Create a DocuSign section in the App
- Email Template
- Envelope ID
- Signer Name and Email
- Signer Tags
- Enable CC
- Field for generated PDF and Field for signed PDF
- Enable Counter-signature — Counter Sign Name and Counter Sign Email
- Counter Sign Tags
- Stage Field — Stage Field Choice for Sent for Signature and Stage Field Choice for Signed
For more information on DocuSign features, refer to our article, DocuSign Features.
How do I sign in to DocuSign?
See, Authorize your DocuSign account.
How do I authorize my DocuSign account?
See, Authorize your DocuSign account.
Is DocuSign a native integration in FreeAgent?
How much does DocuSign cost?
The cost of RingCentral will be determined by your DocuSign subscription.
How do I set up the FreeAgent webhook in my DocuSign account?
See, Set up the FreeAgent webhook in your DocuSign account.
Where can I find the FreeAgent webhook?
See, Set up the FreeAgent webhook in your DocuSign account.
Navigate to DocuSign
From the Navigation Menu, go to Settings > Integrations > DocuSign.
Authorize your DocuSign account
Click the Authorize button at the top right corner of the DocuSign page.
You will be presented with a DocuSign sign-in window. Sign in with your DocuSign account information and select Allow Access.
Set up the FreeAgent webhook in your DocuSign account
Certain features of DocuSign will require you to set up the FreeAgent webhook in your DocuSign account.
To do this, sign in to your DocuSign account and go to Integrations > Connect. From the Connect page, click the Add Configuration button and select Custom. You will be presented with 2 required fields: Name and URL to Publish.
In the Name field, you can name the webhook for easy identification. We recommend naming this FreeAgent Webhook.
In the URL to Publish field, you can input the FreeAgent webhook.
Note: The FreeAgent webhook is located in the Integration Details section of the DocuSign integration page in FreeAgent.
Set fields in DocuSign
On the Docusign integration page, you can set the fields that determine how FreeAgent interacts with DocuSign.
Enable DocuSign
To enable DocuSign, select the Enable DocuSign button and save.
The App field allows you to select the App you want to use when sending and receiving DocuSign documents. This selection will determine the options available when mapping your fields.
For example, if you select the Quotes App, DocuSign will pull information from fields in the Quotes App to determine:
- Who to send the DocuSign document to
- What email to send the DocuSign document to
- What stages will be used to track the progress of the DocuSign document
Note: Only Apps with stages (Quotes, Projects) should be selected for the DocuSign integration. This allows you to track the progress of DocuSign documents and set triggers for notifications.
Create a DocuSign section in the App
After selecting an App to use for the DocuSign integration, create a new Section in that App to contain the unique fields required for the DocuSign integration.
These fields include the Envelope ID field and a pair of URL fields used to store your sent and received DocuSign documents.
See our Form Builder article for instructions on creating a new Section in an App.
Email Template
The Email Template field allows you to select an email template to accompany the DocuSign documents you send.
The contents of this email should be short and sweet. A simple greeting informing the recipient of the attached DocuSign document and requesting their signature will suffice.
To choose an email template, click the Select button. The Email Template Selector window will open with a list of all available templates displayed.
Note: Only email templates containing the Merge Tag of the App you used for the DocuSign integration will be available. For example, if you used the Quotes App to set up your DocuSign integration, only email templates with the Quotes Merge Tag will be available.
See our Email Templates article for instructions on creating email templates and using Merge Tags.
Envelope ID
DocuSign requires a unique field called Envelope ID to be created in the App you use for the DocuSign integration. This field will capture the unique identifier created by DocuSign for every DocuSign document you send.
See our Text Field article for instructions on creating a Text Field.
Note: Envelope ID is one of the unique fields you want to include in the DocuSign section of the App you use for the DocuSign integration.
Signer Name and Signer Email
Note: Signer refers to the intended recipient of the DocuSign document.
These fields are used to designate where DocuSign will pull the information of the Signer from when populating the DocuSign document. In most cases, this will be the Contact field and the Email field of the App you use for the DocuSign integration.
Signer Tags
Signer Tags are used to designate what details are required when signing a DocuSign document. The options available are Signature, Initial, Date Signed, Date, and Text.
To assign Signer Tags, click the +Add button in the bottom left of the Signer Tags section and a new pair of fields will appear — Tag Type and Anchor.
Tag Type
The Tag Type field contains the options you can choose from. Options appear as a dropdown menu.
The Anchor field is where you enter the Anchor Tag for the associated Tag Type. The Anchor Tags for the available options are:
- Signature- /s1/
- Initial- /i1/
- Date Signed- /ds1/
- Date- /d1/
- Text- /t1/
If you require multiple Signer Tags of the same type (ex: multiple signatures), the number next to the letter in the Anchor Tag designates the number of Signer Tags of that type.
For example, the Anchor Tag for two Signature Tags is /s2/. This will populate the DocuSign document with two signature fields.
Note: A single Signature and Date are sufficient Signer Tags for most use cases. The fields for such a use case would look like this:
Enable CC — CC Name and CC Email
Enable CC allows you to designate another recipient for the DocuSign document. This is common in cases where multiple decision-makers are involved in a deal.
To enable this function, select the Enable CC button.
Note: The additional recipient of the DocuSign document does not have to be included as a Signer.
CC Name
This field allows you to select the additional recipient of the DocuSign document. Options will appear in a drop-down menu populated with fields from the App you use for the DocuSign integration.
Note: If you only have one contact field in the App you use for the DocuSign integration, it will be necessary to create a new Text Field to contain the name of the additional recipient.
See our Text Field article for instructions on creating a Text Field.
CC Email
This field allows you to select the email address of the additional recipient of the DocuSign document. Options will appear in a drop-down menu populated with fields from the App you use for the DocuSign integration.
Note: If you only have one email field in the App you use for the DocuSign integration, it will be necessary to create a new Email Field to contain the email of the additional recipient.
See our Email Field article for instructions on creating an Email Field.
Field for generated PDF and Field for signed PDF
DocuSign requires a pair of unique URL Fields to be created in the App you use for the DocuSign integration. These fields are used to capture and store the DocuSign document in PDF form.
One of these fields is used to capture and store the unsigned DocuSign document and the other is used to capture and store the signed DocuSign document.
Note: The Field for generated PDF field will be populated by the unsigned DocuSign document automatically as soon as the DocuSign document is sent. The Field for signed PDF field will be populated by the signed DocuSign document automatically as soon as the DocuSign document is returned.
Names for these fields should be simple yet descriptive — Quote Generated and Quote Signed are good examples.
See our URL Field article for instructions on creating a URL Field.
Note: These are two of the unique fields you will want to include in the Docusign section of the App you use for the Docusign integration.
Enable Counter-signature — Counter Sign Name and Counter Sign Email
Enable Counter-signature allows you to designate someone from your organization as an approver of the DocuSign document. They will receive the DocuSign document before it is sent to the Signer(s) and their signature will be required before the DocuSign document can be sent.
To enable this function, select the Enable Conter-signature button.
Counter Sign Name
This field allows you to select the approver of the DocuSign document. Options will appear in a drop-down menu populated with fields from the App you use for the DocuSign integration.
Note: It may be necessary to create a new Text Field to contain the name of the approver.
See our Text Field article for instructions on creating a Text Field.
Counter Sign Email
This field allows you to select the email address of the approver of the DocuSign document. Options will appear in a drop-down menu populated with fields from the App you use for the DocuSign integration.
Note: It may be necessary to create a new Email Field to contain the email of the the approver.
See our Email Field article for instructions on creating an Email Field.
Counter Sign Tags
Counter sign tags are used to designate the details the counter signer requires to approve a DocuSign document. The options available are Signature, Initial, Date Signed, Date, and Text.
To assign Counter Sign Tags, click the +Add button in the bottom left of the Signer Tags section and a new pair of fields will appear — Tag Type and Anchor.
Tag Type
The Tag Type field contains the options you can choose from. Options appear as a dropdown menu.
The Anchor field is where you enter the Anchor Tag for the associated Tag Type. The Anchor Tags for the available options are:
- Signature- /s1/
- Initial- /i1/
- Date Signed- /ds1/
- Date- /d1/
- Text- /t1/
If you require multiple Signer Tags of the same type (ex: multiple signatures), the number next to the letter in the Anchor Tag designates the number of Signer Tags of that type.
For example, the Anchor Tag for two Signature Tags is /s2/. This will populate the DocuSign document with two signature fields.
Note: A single Signature and Date are sufficient Signer Tags for most use cases. The fields for such a use case would look like this:
Stage Field — Stage Field Choice for Sent for Signature and Stage Field Choice for Signed
These fields allow you to designate the Stages you will use to track your DocuSign documents from Sent for Signature to Signed.
Stage Field
The Stage Field field is where you will designate the stage field you will use to track your DocuSign documents. Options appear as a dropdown menu that contains all the fields of the App you use for the DocuSign integration.
Stage Field Choice for Sent for Signature
The Stage Field Choice for Sent for Signature field is where you will designate the stage that an App record will be updated to when a DocuSign document is sent to the Signer. This update will happen automatically.
For example, when you send a DocuSign document from the Quotes App, the stage will automatically be updated to Quote Sent.
Note: If the stage field of the App you use for the DocuSign integration doesn’t have a stage to represent a “sent” status, you will need to create one.
See our Stage Field article for instructions on creating a Stage Field.
Stage Field Choice for Signed
The Stage Field Choice for Signed field is where you will designate the stage that an App record will be updated to when a DocuSign document is signed by the Signer. This update will happen automatically.
For example, when a DocuSign document from the Quotes App is signed and returned, the stage will automatically be updated to Quote Signed.
Note: If the stage field of the App you use for the DocuSign integration doesn’t have a stage to represent a “signed” status, you will need to create one.
See our Stage Field article for instructions on creating a Stage Field.
Special considerations
There are a few things to be aware of when it comes to Docusigns' different packages and how that will affect how FreeAgent will communicate with your documents and document status.
Docusigns eSignature Packages
If you're using one of Docusign's eSignature packages and have either the 'Business Pro' or 'Enhanced' package you will need to contact your sales rep to discuss adding integrations with their API so that your account can fully communicate with FreeAgent.
API Usage Plans
If you're using an API usage plan you will need the 'Advanced' plan to gain full connectivity with FreeAgent.