If you have any questions or technical issues while using Servis.ai, there are different support channels available depending on your issue.
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Knowledge Base
We provide detailed articles packed with images and videos on how to use Servis.ai as well as answer some of our most commonly asked questions. Get the information you need in our Knowledge Base by accessing your profile menu in the top right corner of Servis.ai.
If you are an Administrator within Servis.ai you can reach out to our Support team.
1. Support Portal
Admins can access the self-service Support Portal to log issues, track their status, and share additional details with the Servis.ai team. Once authorized, they'll see a new option in their profile menu. Please note that access to the Support Portal is limited to three admins per account, and we manage access. For any questions, feel free to reach out to support@servis.ai
Once it's clicked you'll be taken to your Support Portal. From here you can see all of your existing support issues and create new tickets.
As Servis.ai Support staff work on your ticket you'll be able to track the progress. This includes updates, notes, and ticket resolution information
2. Email
Before you contact Support
When chatting or emailing support, there are a few things you can do to ensure your issue is solved more quickly:
- Provide Detail: Instead of just typing "my email isn't working" try to provide more detail concerning what exactly is happening. Is it your account that's being affected or are there others? How long has this been happening? Is there a specific email domain having issues? The more detail the better.
- Include links and screenshots: Our Support agents can access your account if needed. Let us know if there are specific accounts or parts of Servis.ai you're having issues with by sharing links, usernames, email addresses, and screenshots of the issue if possible.
- Servis.ai Administrator: You need to be an Admin within your Servis.ai account to take advantage of Support services.