What are Roles?
Roles are how you manage user access to specific actions within Servis.ai. From the ability to Import/Export data to specific actions like bulk delete records or edit activities.
There are seven different roles built into Servis.ai, but you have the option to create new ones, edit existing ones, and deactivate those that you don't need.
As an organization, you should decide what roles you require in Servis.ai before you start to assign Access Control Lists to these roles. We'll address ACLs later in this article.
Note: It's required that you have at least one Admin within Servis.ai. There are no requirements for other roles.
User Permissions: Only Admins can use this feature.
We will cover the following topics:
Navigating to Roles
Go to Settings > Team > Roles. You can also use the search function to get there faster, just start typing 'Roles'.
What Are Roles?
Think of Roles as permissions for your users that apply to applications and actions within Servis.ai.
Assigning any of the existing roles or your custom ones to your users will limit their access to some of the actions of the system. There are four major actions: Import Data, Export Data, Bulk Delete and Edit activities.
As each team member is added to a specific role, the specific actions in the system won't be available for that team member. For example, if a team member was added to a role where 'Edit activities' isn't checked, then they will still be able to send emails, leave notes, etc. but they won't have the ability to edit them.
If they were to click a note to edit, they would see the note's detail, but the 'Save' button that would allow them to make changes would not be there.
Creating a New Role
Click on the "Add Role" button to get started.
Give your New Role a name and optionally add a description that explains the reason behind the role. All of the same steps for editing a role apply to a new one.
Editing an Existing Role
This is a good place to start when you first begin adding users to Servis.ai. Instead of creating new roles you can rename and edit existing ones to suit your needs.
Just click the pencil icon next to the role’s name to open the editor.
There are three tabs you have access to when editing a Role. Let's go over all three.
1. Name
You can change the existing name of the Role to something that better fits your organization.
2. Description
A description of the Role
3. Users
Select which Users will be assigned to this Role.
4. Actions
Select the Actions that will be available for this Role. You will still need to decide which Apps this Role will have access to in the next tab. The Actions are:
Import Data: Allows importing
files into any application. -
Export Data: Enables exporting
files from any application. - Copy to Clipboard: Copy records for easy pasting into an Excel-like interface.
- Merge Records: Combine two different records into a single entry within any application.
- Duplicate Records: Create an exact copy of an existing record.
- Bulk Edit: Modify multiple records simultaneously.
- Bulk Delete: Remove multiple records at once.
@mentions: Type
while creating or editing any note base field to see and select users for mentions.
After choosing which Actions to grant to the Role you need to decide which applications to grant that access to.
First, check the box next to the applications you wish to give access to. Then select the actions you would like to grant access to for each individual app.
In the Activities tab, you grant User permissions for the activities apps in Servis.ai.
Access Control Lists
Both the "Apps" and "Activities" tabs have an Advanced button. If you select this button all of the other buttons will automatically be switched off. This is because the Advanced button is for activating Access Control Lists (ACLs). These allow Admins to control what Users can and can't do with an application on a per-field or per-record basis.
When hovering your cursor over the "Advanced" button an edit icon will appear. Clicking on it will take you to Access Control Lists.
Want to know everything about ACLs? Check our article: Roles & Access Control Lists
Duplicate and Delete Roles
To do this, hover over the three horizontal dots next to the role’s name and click 'Duplicate'.
Once you do, a prompt will appear at the top of your screen confirming the role was successfully duplicated. You’ll then be taken directly to the role editor to make any necessary adjustments.
To delete a role, follow the same steps as before and select 'Delete'.
A confirmation modal will appear at the top of your screen. Once you confirm, a prompt will notify you that the role has been successfully deleted.