This field takes advantage of our powerful "Dot Walking" feature. If you're not familiar with it, we recommend checking out our Knowledge Base article first.
Here’s the link: Dot Walking 🤏
Setting Up a Dot Walking Field
To get started, type the name of the reference field followed by a dot (.
). This will allow you to select a field from the related app. You can even take it a step further with triple dot walking to navigate through multiple levels of references.
For example, in the video below, we demonstrate using dot walking in the Orders app to bring in fields from the Contacts app. In the first example, we type Contact.Work Email
to reference the Work Email field from the Contacts app directly into the Orders app. In another example, we go deeper with triple dot walking: typing Contact.Account.Name
to bring in the Account Name from the Accounts app via the Contact reference. Alternatively, you could simply type Account.Name
depending on your needs.
Dot walking is a powerful tool, giving you flexibility to explore and utilize reference fields across apps. Have fun experimenting!
Once you are done setting your field, click the save button.
Note: Dot Walking Fields for multi-select fields are not currently supported.