Usage Example
Add this to any Dashboard, Dashlet, Page, or Workspace to map the Latitude and Longitude of all the records that match your filter conditions. Hover over any marker to see the card for that record.
As you configure your widget you'll see the view in the right panel update in real time to reflect the changes you've made.
1. Title
This will add a title for your widget in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
2. App
This field is for choosing the application your map will be used for. Google Maps will be limited to displaying the records from the application you choose here.
Click the 'Save' button once you're finished configuring your widget.
3. Condition
You can fine-tune what items you see from the application you chose earlier. For example, let's say I chose "Tasks" as the application. Below I'm creating a filter that will only show me the tasks that are due in the specified period.
You can add as many filters as you like.
You can also decide how you would like the information sorted.
4. Field
This list will contain all the location-based fields in the application you chose earlier. Choose one to base your map locations on.
Your map will update in real time as you make changes to your settings.
5. Color Pin By
You can assign custom colors to pins based on a value assigned to them. Here you can choose the field those values are coming from here. In this example I've chosen to base pin colors on the type of industry the companies are in.
6. Values
Here is where you choose the actual colors to assign to each value. Just click on the '+Add' button to add more colors.
7. Pin Icon
Choose an icon to appear on your pins.
Navigating Maps
You can use your mouse to drag the map to different locations. Use the buttons in the bottom right corner to zoom in and out. Hover your cursor over the markers on the map to get more information about each record.
Now you can decide where you would like to place your widget and how large it should be. It's as simple as dragging and dropping with your mouse or trackpad.