If you're looking for our article on how to import your data manually via a CSV file please see the following article:
In this article, we will cover automating your data imports using FreeAgent's API.
User Permissions: Role-based restrictions, If you are unable to import files, please reach out to your team's administrator.
Prerequisites: Before importing your data, ensure you have completely configured your Apps. This is essential for the Template CSV file to include all the fields for your Apps.
What is Automated Import?
It's For integrating 3rd party systems like your organization's ERP or other enterprise systems. Often it's used to both 'create' new records as well as for 'updates' to keep systems in sync.
This is something you'll need to prepare on your end as you'll be making a call to the FreeAgent API.
Here's an example Curl Request:
curl https://freeagent.network/api/graphql \ --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXX -F operations='{ "query": "mutation importEntities($upload: Upload!){ importEntities(entity: \"contact\", file: \"demo\", upload: $upload) { importId}}", "variables": {"upload": null} }' \ -F map='{ "0": ["variables.upload"] }' \ -F 0=@/Users/ram/Desktop/contact_import_test.csv
Your CSV file that contains the information you wish to import is loaded remotely and imported to FreeAgent.
What Does the Process Look Like?
The process is very similar to performing a manual upload with a few exceptions to be aware of. This is what the import process looks like at a high level:
Are There Any Differences in How I Should Prepare My Data?
You will still need to prepare a CSV file containing all the information you wish to upload to FreeAgent. Follow the instructions from our data import article here:
Make sure your CSV file matches your Fields exactly
Importing Manually
When manually imported data you'll get the chance to adjust the field mapping if there some of the data isn't being mapped to the correct place.
Once your CSV file has been processed FreeAgent will give you a chance to verify that all of your information has been mapped to the correct fields. If you used the template as a base for your file all the information should be mapped correctly. However, if a column wasn't mapped, it will show in red.
If needed you can go through each cell to ensure that all of the information in your CSV is being mapped to the correct field within your FreeAgent app. Otherwise, you can click next to move to the next step.
Using Automatic Import
When using our API to automatically import you need to ensure all of your columns in your CSV match your fields in FreeAgent exactly. You will not get the chance to adjust the mapping or review error messages if the import fails.
Managing Data Imports
Navigate to any application and click on the 'Import' button in the top right corner of the screen to see a list of past imports.
Note: FreeAgent keeps these records for 90 days after the import.
1. Processed
This will show you how many records have been processed.
2. Added
the number of new records that were added to FreeAgent.
3. Uploaded
The number of existing records that were updated.
4. Failed
The number of records that failed to import or update.
5. Created by
The user that started the data import.