Here you can make adjustments to all of your settings regarding emails and meetings.
User Permissions: No special permissions are required.
In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics:
Navigate to Email and Meeting
Open the Preferences menu by clicking on your username in the top right corner of the screen. This will open your profile menu. Click on 'Preferences' and then navigate to the 'Email and Meeting' tab.
1. Email
create and save signatures to use in emails you compose within FreeAgent.
Click on the icon in the top left corner of the signature text box. This will give you a bigger canvas and will give you access to various editing tools.
Once you're finished creating your signature just click 'Save'.
Note: you can create more than one signature for your account.
Default Email Template
FreeAgent allows you to create your custom email templates. You can specify a default template. Once added as a preference, the template will auto-populate when you compose a new email. This is especially useful for some customer service personnel who always respond with the same information.
Note: Since templates are app-specific, the default template will populate only when emailing from the matching app.
See the following article to learn more about creating email templates in FreeAgent:
Email Visibility
By default, the email visibility configuration is 'Public' however you have the option to set it to 'Private'. If set to 'Public' everyone in your organization can see the emails you send and receive in FreeAgent CRM. If you change the setting to 'Private' then the emails you send and receive from that point forward will only be visible to you.
Click the 'Save' button located in the top right corner once you have selected your email visibility preference. A success message will appear in the top right corner indicating that the change was saved correctly.
Public/Private Emails in the Activity Timeline
It is possible to change the visibility configuration for individual emails you have sent and/or received within FreeAgent CRM. All you have to do is go to the Activity timeline of your contacts app, select the desired contact, and hover over the email you want to make public/private.
There you will see a lock icon that will indicate if the email is public or private. Public emails will show the 'open lock' icon when you hover over them and the email icon will appear as normal. Private emails will have the 'closed lock' icon when you hover over them and will display a small 'lock' icon. To change the visibility of the email, just click on the 'lock' icon.
Note: When email is set to 'private' and the 'Email Tracking' configuration is enabled for your organization when the email was sent, it will be tracked in the Email Analytics, however, the information shown in the list for that email is going to be limited. It will record the activity and will show if the email was opened or not, but the 'Body' of the email will appear empty as it is 'Private' information.
Auto-Associate Emails with an App Record
Emails that contain a unique FreeAgent App record ID#, either in the subject or the body of the email, will be auto-associated with that App record.
For example, if the ticket ID of a ticket is included in the subject line, that email will become instantly visible within the corresponding ticket. This works across all Apps.
Email Blacklist
We know that there are cases where you may need to blacklist some emails given that they contain sensitive information. Whether it is for security reasons, privacy policies or if they contain confidential information you can blacklist them on FreeAgent CRM.
The blacklist exists at an individual level, which means that any email address you add to the list will be blocked from your profile only. Your team members will keep receiving those emails if they don't blacklist them.
The email addresses that belong to your team members, including both the one they use to sign in and the ones they have paired, are automatically blacklisted.
Click on 'Add Email' under the Email Blacklist heading. Enter the email address you want to blacklist. You can click the plus button again to add additional email accounts.
From this moment on, the emails coming from the addresses in the blacklist are not going to be synchronized to FreeAgent CRM.
Note: Existing activities will not be automatically deleted, it will be necessary to delete them manually.
Emails received by 'Blacklist Emails' will not create an activity in the Activity Timeline for the Contact that has that email as part of their contact information.
If you would like to remove email accounts from the list simply click on the trashcan icon.
Special Considerations
This feature is available for all users in FreeAgent CRM. Emails received by 'Blacklist Emails' will not create an activity in the Activity Timeline for the Contact that has that email as part of their contact information. This Setting works at the individual level, therefore each team member can define their own set of blacklisted emails.
2. Meeting
Personal Room URL
It is possible to include your Web Conferencing information in FreeAgent CRM.
You have the option to add the URL for your personal meeting room. The URL will vary based on the service you use for Web Conferencing, just make sure that the URL is complete.
Meeting Invitation
Any text you add here will automatically be attached to meeting invites sent out in FreeAgent.
3. Personal Webvite
This feature allows you to send out meeting invites that include a link for the recipient to choose a date and time for the meeting. This will be very familiar if you've ever used a service like Calendly before.
When enabled FreeAgent will automatically show a 'Schedule a meet' link above your email signature when you are composing an email.
When your contact clicks on the link, they'll get access to your free time slots. FreeAgent will automatically check to see when you are free based on your Google or Office365 calendar availability.
Simply choose your date and time and then click "Confirm".