FreeAgent comes equipped with powerful visualization tools that help you visualize your data and get meaningful data insights. FreeAgent has over 15+ different chart types for multiple ways to visualize your data. From Bar Charts to Org Charts, FreeAgent has you covered.
To learn more about the different chart types, check out the Guide: Reporting
Now let’s get started with setting up a Dashlet.
To access the Dashlet in any of your views click on the "Dashlet" button in the top right corner of the screen.
You can add/view a Dashlet from any view. Dashlets are simply Dashboards attached to a specific View. They are faster to create than Dashboards, and charts in your Dashlet will default to the App data you are currently viewing.
They can be rapidly created in any view, can have additional filter conditions added, or can be created from an Embedded View instead if you wish to include a chart from another dataset or from another App.
Note: when you add a widget (to a dashlet) the filters from your view will automatically be added.
Click on the Dashlet button again, you’ll see the ‘Add Widget’ button to add a new chart. Clicking on it will open the 'Add Widget' modal where we can create a new Chart widget for the Dashlet.
Here we will see the pre-configured chart types available in FreeAgent. New charts are continuously being added and will appear in the top bar as they become available.
For this example, we will build a Funnel Chart for ‘Contacts by Stage'.
First, we will make the title of the chart ‘Contacts by Stage’.
Next, select the View that we want to use to display the data. By default, all charts are set to ‘Embedded View’ meaning the chart will be created based on what we choose under the ‘Filter’ option within the modal.
Since we are selecting ‘Embedded View’, we need to select the App we want to draw data from. In this case the ‘Contacts’ App.
We will choose the ‘Funnel Chart’ option from the available Chart Types to visualize the flow of Contacts as they enter the sales funnel.
Then, we set the conditions by selecting ‘Filter’.
Select the option for ‘Contact by Stage’, under the 'Group" tab, and the chart preview will update displaying a preview of the data.
If you would like to use a View you have already built for a chart, you can select it under the ‘View’ option instead of ‘Embedded View’.
This can help streamline the chart creation process but be aware that if you update or change that View elsewhere in FreeAgent at any point, it will reflect in all charts that are using that specific View to visualize the data.
Finally, click ‘Save’ and the Chart is created, and will appear inside the Dashlet.
Now that it is saved, you can expand or collapse the Dashlets at any time without losing any of your saved charts.
If any Chart does not suit your needs, you can edit it by selecting the Action Icon represented by the 3 dots that appear in the top right when you hover over the chart.
Continue with the next Getting Started Guide - Filter, Sort & More
To learn more about all of the listed sections above as well as other features not described here, please refer to the other FreeAgent Help Center articles at
For assistance or to answer any questions, you cannot find the answer to, please reach out to the FreeAgent Customer Success team.